Risk Management

Advisory Consultation

With 3o+ years of experience in risk management, Conformita’s Advisory Team is perfectly placed around the globe to provide you with targeted and specific advice on identifying, mitigating, and managing risks.

Due Diligence Background Checks

With many jurisdictions increasingly setting strict regulations on third party compliance, the financial penalties for failing to conduct the necessary checks on your third parties can be extremely high.

Whether you wish to conduct background checks on your third parties, customers, or business partners, Conformita has developed the necessary scopes to mitigate and manage the risks associated with engaging or dealing with potentially risky entities or individuals.

Policies & Compliance Frameworks

Our compliance team has extensive experience working with clients across the globe – creating and implementing policies and frameworks to mitigate third party compliance risks.

Whether you are in need of a basic third party management policy or require the creation and implementation of a compliance framework including relevant risk matrixes, our team will handle all your needs efficiently and effectively.

Local Investigations

Our team has handled multiple investigations for clients – from allegations of bribery and corruption in Africa to conflicts of interest in China to money laundering in the Middle East. Whether you require on-the-ground interviews or on-site confirmation of a business, rest assured that we will leave no stone unturned to uncover all the facts and evidence that exist to approve, or disapprove any allegations.